???option.TituloSitioWeb.gradoDoble??? Bachelor's degree in Preschool and Bachelor's degree in Primary Education

Degree Basics


Double bachelor's degree in Preschool and Primary Education

Academic year


ECTS credits


ECTS credit price


Faculty or School

Faculty of Education, Psychology and Social Work

Starting year


Course load


Learning model


Language of instruction

Catalan (75%), Spanish (20%) and English (5%)

Available places



Alexandra Vraciu fepts.coordgeiep@udl.cat

The degree in figures
The degree in figures
The degree in figures
Acknowledgements, suggestions and complaints
Acknowledgements, suggestions and complaints
Acknowledgements, suggestions and complaints
UdL Accompaniment - Nèstor program
UdL Accompaniment - Nèstor program
UdL Accompaniment - Nèstor program
Internal Guarantee System of Quality
Internal Guarantee System of Quality
Internal Guarantee System of Quality
Learning resources
Learning resources
Learning resources

Presentation of the Degree

The Double Bachelor's degree in Preschool and Primary Education confers the general teaching competences to help pupils’ development, supervise learning and promote the achievement of the objectives established by the educational system for early childhood and primary education (from zero to twelve years old). The double degree represents an added value when hiring one of these professionals.

With a total of 348 ECTS credits, the structure of the subjects is articulated around the areas of the official curriculum, together with training subjects in the psychopedagogical field, practices in school contexts and a percentage of optional contents.  The practices have a very important weight in the double degree (58 credits in total) and begin in the second year. In the double degree, students begin by doing internships in early childhood schools (6 credits in the second and 14 credits in the third year) and continue with the internship in primary schools (14 credits in third and 24 credits in fourth course).

The Double Bachelor's degree in Preschool and Primary Education offers the option of obtaining a minor. The minor involves carrying out a specialization training pathway with a set of subjects related to any of the following areas of knowledge:

  • Minor in Music Education
  • Minor in Physical Education
  • Minor in Special Educational Needs and Education for Diversity
  • Minor in English
  • Minor in STEM

Career opportunities

La profesión para la que se capacita a las personas graduadas una vez obtenido el título es la de Maestro/a en Educación Infantil y la de Maestro/a en Educación Primaria (ORDEN ECI/3854/2007).

The Dual Itinerary for the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education allows two qualifications to be obtained: the Degree in Early Childhood Education and the degree in Primary Education. The professional opportunities will be those related to each of these degrees:

  • Teaching in educational centers with boys and girls from 0 to 3 years old and from 3 to 6 years old.
  • Early childhood care services and programs aimed at supporting the family, family spaces and mother-and-child programs.
  • Leisure and cultural services, such as playrooms and children's libraries, among others.
  • Elaboration of educational materials.
  • Shelter centers for children and young people supervised by the Administration.
  • Educational support services at school.
  • Self-employment in complementary educational services.
  • Primary education schools.
  • Adult education centers.
  • Classrooms in hospital centers.
  • Classrooms in prisons.
  • Specialized publishing world.
  • Management of extracurricular activities for cultural and service companies.
  • Shelter centers for children and young people supervised by the Administration.